Ahh, today I am so thrilled to be interviewing my then client, now dear friend Nat! Nat and I connected about a year and a half ago when she started her primal journey with me as her coach. Nat experienced amazing transformation as she found clarity, ease of movement in her joints and a major reduction in her anxiety. What’s more – going primal was totally enjoyable and easy to do, in fact the only thing she has been able to ‘stick to’. Having tried all the diets, shakes and quick fixes out there on the market already, Nat knew she was looking for sustainable healthy change and that is what she got.
Nat shares her personal story of tragedy in this episode and offers amazing actionable tips that you can try to deal with any kind of uncomfortable emotions or situation in your life. Nat has dreams to write a book and wants to help support and coach other people going through tragic circumstances and is keen for you to reach out to her at natwhite2005@gmail.com
Nat was one of the first ever Primalistas to join Primal Alternative as a producer of our gluten and grain free food range. In this episode Nat shares her Primalistaing experience with you.
Nat is finishing up as a Primalista at the end of November to pursue her dreams of bringing a children’s meditation into the world and writing her book. One of the reasons Nat became a Primalista was to learn how to run a business and she has certainly done that and much more.
Nat has collaborated with neighbouring Primalista Marisha for a seamless handover, all Primal Alternative Stockists and customers taken care of perfectly! Thanks Nat & Marisha for bringing my visions of a collaborative sisterhood into reality!
Nat thanks for being such an awesome Primalista – I wish you all the very best!!
Check out my free online Primalista Baking Franchise on Wednesday 22nd November at 10am AWST – or get an email with the replay by following this link and entering your email address http://eepurl.com/cZwzj5
Happy listening!!
Love, H xx