WWR 43: What’s With Wheat with Guest Cyndi O’Meara

In this incredible episode of Wellness Women Radio we are thrilled to have the AMAZING Cyndi O’Meara on the show talking about What’s With Wheat, the groundbreaking documentary proving why wheat has sparked a modern day health epidemic and is the culprit behind so many of our issues. Cyndi is a world renowned nutritionist, author… Continue reading WWR 43: What’s With Wheat with Guest Cyndi O’Meara

WWR 42: Eczema, dermatitis and skin conditions

Can you imagine having such severe eczema that when you move your hands or arms the skin cracks and bleeds or having endless sleepless nights because your skin is itchy? Only to be told that using strong pharmaceutical creams for the rest of your life will be the only thing that you can do to… Continue reading WWR 42: Eczema, dermatitis and skin conditions

WWR 41: Photo-Hating, Self-Love and The 100 Day Gong

On this special episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea reflect on their recent photo shoot experience and how this triggered their own self esteem and self worth! With a mass slide back into self-deprecating behaviours The Wellness Women walk you through their thought processes as to how to combat this and… Continue reading WWR 41: Photo-Hating, Self-Love and The 100 Day Gong

WWR 40: Elise Carr – Tantra, the Yoni, and balancing our spiritual-emotional needs

On this week’s special episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re interviewing the incredible Elise Carr. Elise is a trailblazer, the ‘Pioneer of Yoni Power’, creator of StellaMuse, Tantra Practitioner, sexuality director, Holistic Health Coach, Writer, Speak and Model (and the list goes on)! Elise is dedicated to helping women find their true purpose with passion… Continue reading WWR 40: Elise Carr – Tantra, the Yoni, and balancing our spiritual-emotional needs

WWR 39: Beat the Winter Blues

Why is it that we get more colds and flus during winter? Can you really ‘catch’ a cold from someone else? And is there any way to prevent getting sick this flu season? On this weeks podcast The Wellness Women debunk the myths around the winter blues and give you their best, holistic solutions for… Continue reading WWR 39: Beat the Winter Blues

WWR 38: The Alkaline Diet

What do Elle Macpherson, Victoria Beckham and Gwyneth Paltrow have in common, apart from an impressive wardrobe? They attest their amazing bodies to an alkaline type diet! The Alkaline Diet, or Acid/Alkaline diet has been around since the 80’s and states that it is the key to health and vitality and may even be cancer… Continue reading WWR 38: The Alkaline Diet

WWR 37: The Power of Food with Dr Damian Kristof

The Wellness Women interview the rock star from The Wellness Guys, Dr Damian Kristof, and by their powers combined this is an episode jam packed full of tips for women about their nutrition, how to reach their goals, have happy hormones through food as well as some of the biggest mistakes women are making with… Continue reading WWR 37: The Power of Food with Dr Damian Kristof

WWR 36 : Straighten Up Ladies

Your mother was right: “don’t slough, sit up straight, shoulders back”! Can you hear her voice resounding right now? It is because body language and posture really are so important for your wellbeing and on this week’s episode of Wellness Women Radio you’ll find out why! Your posture can change your mood and mindset instantly… Continue reading WWR 36 : Straighten Up Ladies

WWR 35 : Endometriosis

In this weeks podcast, The Wellness Women delve into endometriosis; one of the most debilitating and aggressive conditions affecting women. It not only causes horrendous physical symptoms but also affects a woman’s emotional wellbeing, relationships and quality of life. If women have symptoms of endometriosis it can have devastating implications because doctors are generally unsure… Continue reading WWR 35 : Endometriosis

WWR 34 : That Procrastination Episode!

Why do we procrastinate? Why is it that when we have a deadline organizing our closet seems so much more important? Is this a form of self sabotage? About 20% of the population are chronic procrastinators, they miss opportunities, deadlines, appointments, even bill payments just because of their procrastinating behaviours. We are all guilty of this at some point… Continue reading WWR 34 : That Procrastination Episode!