ITCM 15: The Language of Mediocrity

Can we tell if we are performing below par based on our language alone? You bet! Find out what words, actions and beliefs are the catalyst for mediocre results and learn the 5 essentials to turning mediocre into World Class!

ITCM 14: Success & Longevity

What makes some people stay at the top of their chosen field for their entire lives, whereas others fall by the wayside early on, or post-career? We asked 5-time Olympian Andrew Gaze how to sustain success over the long haul. A father of four, Australia’s greatest ever basketballer and a successful businessman, Gaze shares his… Continue reading ITCM 14: Success & Longevity

ITCM 13: Becoming a Leader

What does it take to become a leader? Do you need to be born with leadership qualities? And can they be created? Laurence & his new co-host Marcus Pearce explore leadership in all areas of life, including family, business, health and social, and how the type of leadership has changed over the past 50 years.

ITCM 12: Keep the momentum moving forward

As we come to the end of the limited series with Dr. Jeff Spencer, we explore what we need to do to keep the momentum moving forward so that you create your life legacy. Dr. Laurence Tham and Dr Jeff Spencer discuss the steps to always keep moving forward.

ITCM 11: Expanding your Bandwidth

In life there is a need to expand your skills and your capabilities so that you can grow to take on more in your life. But as you add more to your life, you learn to actually simplify your life. Dr. Laurence Tham and Dr. Jeff Spencer discuss on this episode to expand your bandwidth… Continue reading ITCM 11: Expanding your Bandwidth

ITCM 10: The cause of failures and what to do about it

In this episode, Dr. Laurence Tham speaks with Dr. Jeff Spencer about winning, losing and choking under the pressure during one of the biggest sporting moment in history – The Superbowl. The game exposed many of human experiences in terms of losing and failure in pressure situations, Dr. Laurence and Dr. Jeff discuss how to… Continue reading ITCM 10: The cause of failures and what to do about it

ITCM: 09 Reaching the limits of life

At some point in our lives, all of us would have reached a point where we feel is our “limit”… where everything in our world is about to collapse on us. The difference between being a Champion vs. being mediocre is the ability to create strategies and execute them appropriately to move beyond the “limit”.… Continue reading ITCM: 09 Reaching the limits of life

ITCM 08: Rituals of Champions

Every champion is created. They spend years developing, training and live by specific and predetermined rituals that produce sustainable results. In this episode, Dr. Laurence Tham and Dr. Jeff Spencer discuss the power of rituals and how to ensure success in implementing them in your lives.

ITCM 07: The Myth of Balance and Perfection

We often hear that life is about BALANCE… but in a Champion’s life, there is no such thing as balance. They work on a different level. In this episode, Dr. Laurence Tham and Dr. Jeff Spencer discuss the myth of balance and the myth of perfection as the key to success.

ITCM 06: No one wins alone

No individual champion, star, or entrepreneur rises to the top without the support of a great team behind them. In this episode, Dr. Laurence Tham and Dr. Jeff Spencer talk about the unique characteristics what makes a great team and how to form them right from the beginning.