BMR 5- Getting Uncomfortable with Bobby Cappuccio

Have you wondered how great you can actually be and how your perfect life may look? but just seem to keep getting caught on the hamster wheel of life and never seem to get there? Do you keep running into barriers, feel unlucky or just plain lazy? Well guess what, perhaps those barriers are actually opportunities and perhaps you’re not actually lazy at… Continue reading BMR 5- Getting Uncomfortable with Bobby Cappuccio

BMR 4: Are Humans Really Living Longer? Dr Bobby Cheema

We are told that we are living longer and are healthier than ever before in human existence, but when we look a little closer we realise this simply isn’t true. We are sick, unhappy and some predict that our children will not live as long as us for the first time in history! Dr. Bobby… Continue reading BMR 4: Are Humans Really Living Longer? Dr Bobby Cheema

BMR 3: The Skinny On Fats – Lose Weight, Think Better And Live Longer! – Nora Gedgaudas

Did you know that eating animal fat is essential to help you burn your stubborn body fat? Did you know that eating fat can help kick you out of a state of depression? Nora Gedgaudas is the best selling author of ‘Primal Body Primal Mind’ and more recently ‘Primal Fat Burner’. Nora has a very… Continue reading BMR 3: The Skinny On Fats – Lose Weight, Think Better And Live Longer! – Nora Gedgaudas

BMR 2: The Long Body – Frank Forencich

Frank Forencich is the creator of Exuberant Animal, an author and an internationally-recognized expert on health and human performance. As an engaging speaker and movement teacher, he brings a unique, “long body” perspective to the human predicament and offers practical solutions for some of the most pressing problems of our age. Frank has a strong educational background… Continue reading BMR 2: The Long Body – Frank Forencich

BMR 1: We Have Multiple Brains – Grant Soosalu

Ancient philosophy within many cultures believe that we have multiple brains or centres of intelligence – for example the chakra system. Now, modern neuroscience backs this up and we now know that this is the case – for example most of us have heard the gut being referred to as our second brain. Today I… Continue reading BMR 1: We Have Multiple Brains – Grant Soosalu