SLP 6: Self Love Quicky – 10 Morning Self Care Rituals

“Remember even if you have young children, there is always an opportunity to make some space or to allow them to see you doing the things you need to do, and make it a non-negotiable.” Self-care is not selfish – it’s essential, and if you want to love yourself up you must make your self-care… Continue reading SLP 6: Self Love Quicky – 10 Morning Self Care Rituals

SLP 1: The Art Of Self Love

‘I’m not saying what the answer is. I created the steps because to me they evolved in such a way that allowed us to be human and have our constraints, and our weaknesses and our faults and all the things that we question. But then also to really appreciate the strengths and the beauty and… Continue reading SLP 1: The Art Of Self Love