TIP 21: Charge Your Worth: Mindset Shifts for Raising Your Prices

Are you ready to charge what you’re truly worth? In this episode, I’ll walk you through the mindset shifts needed to confidently raise your rates and show you how charging more can actually help you deliver even more value to your clients. I’ll explain why a financially viable business is essential for providing top-quality services… Continue reading TIP 21: Charge Your Worth: Mindset Shifts for Raising Your Prices

SMP 30: Mastering Success: Money blocks and limiting beliefs

In this episode, we deep dive into money mindset and limiting beliefs. I share insights on how a Naturopath’s money issues affected my care, why it’s not your job to worry about whether patients can afford your services,  and delve into the triggers and root causes of money blocks. Additionally, I provide practical steps to… Continue reading SMP 30: Mastering Success: Money blocks and limiting beliefs

SMP 07: Overcoming insecurities that get in the way of your patient’s care

In the dynamic landscape of natural healthcare, success isn’t solely defined by knowledge or skillset, but also by the ability to navigate challenges that stem from within. Join me as I explore the crucial topic of addressing practitioner insecurities that can affect patient care and significantly hinder practice growth. In this episode, I’ll dissect the… Continue reading SMP 07: Overcoming insecurities that get in the way of your patient’s care

SMP 06: Mastering Success: Nurturing Personal and Practice Growth with EFT

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that bridges the gap between personal growth and professional success? Join me as we dive deep into the realms of self-discovery and mindset mastery.  In this episode, we navigate the pathways to excellence with Catherine Ross, a Certified EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner, facilitator, and Mindset… Continue reading SMP 06: Mastering Success: Nurturing Personal and Practice Growth with EFT