Show Notes

‘There are so many gifts that we can bring to the world with our creativity and our curiosity. And one thing I talk to a lot of people about is curiosity. It’s my favourite new word, it’s my word of the year and I always choose a word of the year… and curiosity about ourselves, about our partners, about nature, about the world around us. Like if we stay in that curious state of mind, there’s always going to be that sense of wonderment around us.’ ~ Mary Martin

Mary Martin is celebrating her 20th year of being a naturopath on the Sunshine Coast. She is the author of 9 books on hormone related topics and founders of companies, The Baby Builders and ‘Chief Queen’ of Hormone Queens.

Through her consultations and hormone reset programs within Hormone Queens, Mary helps Perimenopausal and Menopausal women kick unwelcome symptoms to the curb to live full, confident, healthy, sexy, sane, energetic and enriching lives.

Mary is a passionate advocate of changing up the conversations, attitudes, cliches and norms around the female aging process. She helps women implement proactive emotional and physical health care strategies, empowering them with the tools needed to enjoy a rewarding quality of life, for many years to come.

She loves everything to do with being in or on water, a hormone geek, lover of life, mother of 5, unshakable optimist, natural therapies enthusiast and is dedicated to helping ‘mature’ women, physically, emotionally and successfully navigate their unique aging process.

‘Having a normal cycle, and sometimes the pill or the insertions of synthetic hormones and that’s what they are, they are synthetic hormones telling our bodies what to do, which isn’t the healthiest way to go. And in some cases it is very effective and I am not putting it down in all instances, but I think if we can understand the phases of our cycle and get really good at listening to our bodies and the signs and symptoms. You know we think a lot of things in our bodies are coincidence, you know when you ask people questions and they are like, ‘No, well yeah that actually happens quite often. I never thought of it that way.’ But really if we stop and listen to our body, she has so much to say to us.’ ~ Mary Martin

Mary’s motto…

‘We are all getting older….let’s do it with GUSTO!’

Her definition of Self Love is the 6 pillars of self love which includes these:

1. Self-care
2. Self-compassion
3. Setting healthy boundaries
4. Personal growth and learning
5. Self-talk
6. Authenticity

Her favourite quote is:
‘When everything is uncertain anything is possible.’

And then this one from Brene Brown:
‘Midlife… When the Universe grabs your shoulders and tells you I’m not fucking around, use the gifts you were given.’

Links to follow:

I love this profession, it is such an honour to be in it
One in six couples in Australia are struggling to conceive
Doctors are trained to fit symptoms with a medication
People are seeking other alternatives to understand how to best treat themselves
There is a huge gut brain connection we need to consider too
These symptoms are common not normal
One of the most common drugs prescribed to young women is the pill
One of the most common drugs prescribed to older women are anti-depressants
I love the liver it is the factory of so many different things
Use food as a medicine
Are you really absorbing nutrients effectively?
As we get older there are so many layers to the onion
We can let go of the things that do not serve us
We can reinvent ourselves at this age
And we are less willing to put up with the bull shit
It feels good to be recognised
As we get older we have so much more wealth and wisdom
You are so much more powerful than you think
If we can stay in that curious state of mind there will be wonderment
Come around to being in it.
Invisibility is replaced with wonderment.
We are not our conditions we are the result of the things that can happen to us
It is ok to be vulnerable
Your health is your wealth
Everything in front of you can be magical
Put yourself first you are so worth it
There are so many gifts in aging
Anything is possible when you feel vibrant


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If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here –


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Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –