Kelly Holt

Kelly has won a number of international research awards and is on the editorial board of two peer reviewed chiropractic journals. Kelly worked in private practice as a chiropractor for 10 years and has taught at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic.

Wendy Steward

Wendy Steward is a podcaster, speaker, motivator, blogger and writer from Melbourne.
5 years ago, Wendy embarked on her wellness journey after struggling with her weight for many, many years.

Steph Lowe

Steph Lowe is here to get real on the current research, debunk food myths, and educate you how to just eat real food (JERF). Steph covers real food, gut health, sports performance, holistic wellness, optimising your health, metabolism and longevity, and so much more.

Paul Bergamo

Paul completed his Chiropractic degree in 1995. He completed Post Graduate Diploma (Nutrition) in 2003 from Deakin University and held university academic appointments teaching Chiropractic students nutrition for nine years at RMIT and currently at CQU.

Maria Zuschmann

Maria Zuschmann, Dr M as she is affectionately known, has a passion for helping the community to feel and function better in all aspects of their lives and help them identify and remove interferences that are holding them back from their goals.

Marcus Pearce

Marcus is passionate about teaching people not to silently approve what we read in the papers and online, watch on TV and listen to on the radio. Instead, he is about relentlessly challenging people to be their own person, their own scientific researcher.

Laurence Tham

Laurence is a powerful speaker, mentor and entrepreneur who focuses on SIMPLIFYING ideas and strategies that apply to daily life. His passion and guidance not only inspires audiences, but it makes massive mental shifts towards creating fulfilling lives.

Kim Morrison

Kim Morrison has been passionate about human behavior and natural therapies for most of her life. She holds qualifications in NLP, counselling and the 4-temperament theory and in homeobotanical therapy, reflexology, ortho-bionomy, fitness leadership, remedial massage and wholistic aromatherapy

Kim Fenton

Kim completed a Bachelor of Science, with honours in genetics, followed by a PhD in medical genetics. After many years in scientific and medical research, Kim moved into a career in the pharmaceutical industry for 12 years.

Kaz Jaffe

Dr. Kaz is an Australian born Chiropractor who has recently returned to life and practice In Melbourne. Following graduation she worked for 3 years locally and then in 2004 she packed her bags after accepting a position in Holland.