NTM12 : What our emotions mean

This week Bridget and Julie explore what our emotions are trying to reveal to us, how we can use them to grow and what can happen when we don’t listen.

NTM 11 : The transition into motherhood

Following a request on the Facebook page, Bridget and Julie discuss how to find your own way into motherhood and some resources to create an intentional parenting toolkit.

NTM 10 : Love-bombing

Bridget and Julie interview Bree Downes on her recent experience of ‘love-bombing’, the weekend of ‘yes’ and the gifts it provided Bree, as a woman and mother, and how it shifted her son’s behaviour and their family dynamic.  

NTM 9 : The Seductress

Bridget and Julie open up the conversation on sexuality in our culture. What does a woman owning her sensuality look like? How does she connect with it and explore it? How do we live our lives from the point of seduction, pleasure and joy?

NTM 8 : ‘Princess’ Archetypes

Julie and Bridget explore classic feminine archetypes through fairytales. What can we learn as women and what can they offer our daughters for their own journeys?

NTM7 : Historical feminine archetypes with Elle Griffen

We interview Elle Griffin – Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Over The Moon Magazine and host of Over The Moon Radio.  Elle is an expert in Mariology, Divine Feminine and Female Archetypes. Whether you’re religious or not, we all come from ancient religious societies, and therefore the women archetypes in these religions and stories continue to… Continue reading NTM7 : Historical feminine archetypes with Elle Griffen

NTM6 : Exploring birth – Part 2

In this juicy episode we dive deep into women’s psyches, their intimate support group and how these influence a woman’s birth experience.  We share stories of what empowered birth is – with intervention and drugs, and without.  Make your birth the best experience you can in order to birth the mother you desire to be!… Continue reading NTM6 : Exploring birth – Part 2

NTM5 : Exploring birth – Part 1

Bridget and Julie delve into our current birth culture, the choices women have available to them and Julie shares the Top 10 questions to ask your care givers to achieve a great birth experience, however that looks for you.

NTM4: Infertility

Bridget begins this episode with a challenge to the conventional language of ‘infertility’ and discusses with Julie some of her own personal viewpoints and experience with choosing Traditional Chinese Medicine to assist her fertility journey after being diagnosed with PCOS six years ago.

NTM 3: The Red Tent

What is the Red Tent and what relevance does it have to your life and your soul journey? In this episode Bridget and Julie explore how you can work with your rhythms to create a more harmonious and joyful life.