Show Notes

It seems that the longest-lived people with the most fulfilment in life are those that forgive easily.

Dig deeper and it’s the very same people who have had experiences in their life that seem very difficult to find peace or grace with.

The longest-lived, most-fulfilled people have truly used life as one long personal growth seminar. They have faced challenges and still come out the other end brimming with optimism.

So how can YOU do the same thing? Do you have to wait until you are older in order to be at peace with your life? Absolutely not. This episode discusses how people forgive, how long-lived people deal with challenge, and how they cultivate optimism.

If you can master the art of forgiveness, and cultivate fulfilling optimism in your life, you are well on your way to living the 100 Not Out Lifestyle.

Want more? Join us on the Greek Island of Ikaria – the Blue Zone known as the “island where people forget to die” – for our 100 Not Out Mediterranean Longevity Experience – June 25 to July 4, 2018. All info and the application form at

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To find out more about Marcus go to

Photo by Gerome Viavant on Unsplash