100NO 207: Paleo diet peeps getting fillings coconut used as toothpaste!

Damian recently had an experience with a family who had been following a wholefoods diet and ended up requiring a large number of fillings. On this episode we discuss the possible impact that the raw / vegan / paleo dessert movement has had on foodies. If anything, this episode will leave you hiding behind  the… Continue reading 100NO 207: Paleo diet peeps getting fillings coconut used as toothpaste!

100NO 125: Coconut Oil Not What It’s Cooked Up To Be

We start off with some Wellness Summit summarising before getting into the headline that Damo created at the Summit – Coconut Oil is not a safe oil to cook at high heat with! Damo goes into all the details about why this is the case and reveals some fascinating insights about cooking with oils.