Show Notes

Today we are joined by my mate Isaac, a 15 year old with a powerful story. When he was 12 he developed crippling OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and anxiety, and it got to the point where he couldn’t feed himself, dress himself – even going to the loo was a struggle. It was a scary and confronting time for both him and his family. Fast forward 3 years and he is a changed man! With the help of his mum, Jo from, he healed his gut using a protocol called the GAPS (which stands for Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome) Diet, that included lots of traditional whole foods that healed and sealed his gut and got his good bugs back in order (need a reminder about the gut? Check out episode 6 and 7 for a refresher), and once his gut was healthy his mental health manifestations went away. I am proud to call this cool dude a friend and think he is such a great example of how food really CAN be medicine. I won’t give too much else away – otherwise I’ll ruin the episode for you.

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