Show Notes

Rhiannon speaks with Kris Barrett who wears a lot of hats including certified health and nutrition coach, bio individual nutrition practitioner, MINDD practitioner and certified GAPS practitioner. She is also an author of two books – No Cows Today and High Thrive Me! Kris specialises in helping families living with children on the spectrum through dietary changes and biomedical intervention. Kris saw the power of adopting a more alternate approach by making some practical and sustainable changes to her son’s diet and lifestyle following a diagnosis of ASD. Whilst at times it was a hard road, he is now a well adjusted thriving teenager. Kris shares with Rhiannon tips of what foods to substitute, eliminate or enhance in your child’s diet.

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So….until next fortnight, I encourage you to open your mind, respect the differences and above all believe that YOU can make a difference from homebase! xxx

*You should always seek a health practitioner’s advice before starting any new health practice.