100NO 504: Losing weight & getting stronger as you get older

Marcus is not feeling as vital as he once did. He’s feeling a bit flabbier, a bit less strong and on this episode discusses with Damo what it takes to get stronger and fitter as we get older. One thing’s for sure – it’s not as easy as it was when we were younger! On… Continue reading 100NO 504: Losing weight & getting stronger as you get older

TWIW 172: Eating late bad for metabolism, hunger and obesity risk

This Week In Wellness a study published in Cell Metabolism has shown that eating late causes decreased energy expenditure, increased hunger, and changes in fat tissue that may increase the risk of obesity. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/10/221004121928.htm https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(22)00397-7?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2f Retrieve%2fapi%2FS1550413122003977%3Fshowall%3Dtrue

TWB 2: From breakdown to breakthrough with Tracey Kyne

Our guest on The Wellness Breakthrough podcast today is a women we hold very dear to our hearts here at The Wellness Couch. When we first met Tracie Kyne at a Wellness Summit she was by her own admission overweight, struggling to juggle the demands of work life, family life, her marriage, social life and… Continue reading TWB 2: From breakdown to breakthrough with Tracey Kyne

PAP 38: Robyn Puglia – Functional Medicine, Coeliac Disease & Unexplained Illness

I am really excited to welcome Primalista Rosie’s sister Robyn Puglia onto the show today! Robyn is a Clinical Nutritionist and IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Robyn is very involved with the field of Coeliac Disease, Gluten-Reactive Disorders and Autoimmune Disease. Her passion for biochemistry and deep conviction regarding the healing power of food and… Continue reading PAP 38: Robyn Puglia – Functional Medicine, Coeliac Disease & Unexplained Illness

HSW 003: Psychotherapy and Weight Management with Psychotherapist Kate Raines

Have you spent years struggling with your weight and found nothing has ever worked?Well this week Audra chats with Psychotherapist Kate Raines who shares her wisdom on how our emotions (and having a stressful job) can actually be causing our weight to stay put!

TWG 66: Sweet Poison – Why sugar makes us fat with David Gillespie

This week The Wellness Guys interview the author of Sweet Poison, David Gillespie. David talks about his journey with dieting and how he finally lost and kept off 40kg and why he believes that sugar is a  poison. He talks about the addictive properties of sugar that make it so hard to give up and how to overcome these… Continue reading TWG 66: Sweet Poison – Why sugar makes us fat with David Gillespie