TWG 55: Livin’ La Vida Low Carb with Jimmy Moore

This week The Wellness Guys interview Jimmy Moore of Livin’ La Vida Low Carb.  Jimmy has become an internet sensation since losing a whopping 180 pounds (almost 90kg) by changing to a Low Carb Lifestyle. He runs three separate podcast shows (podcasting 5 days a week!). He talks about how he got to the stage of weighing over… Continue reading TWG 55: Livin’ La Vida Low Carb with Jimmy Moore

TWG 51: From Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning

This week The Wellness Guys interview Drew Manning.  Have you ever looked at a super fit guy and thought, they are just lucky, it is easy for them or they have no idea what it is like for me. Well that is how people used to look at Drew manning from Drew was a super fit… Continue reading TWG 51: From Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning