TWIW 217: Triglycerides lower risk of dementia by 18%

This Week In Wellness high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, long demonised for their potential role in heart disease and stroke, may contribute to a lower risk of dementia and a slower cognitive decline over time compared to people who have lower levels.

100NO 522: Cholesterol, wonder drugs & media manipulation

There’s movement at the station in the alternative medical solutions to statins for high cholesterol (which more than 1.5 million Aussies are diagnosed with). Hailed as a game-changer, we discuss whether such “medical breakthroughs” do anything to change our behaviour, or just give humanity another reason to believe in a “magic pill”. Do the true… Continue reading 100NO 522: Cholesterol, wonder drugs & media manipulation

TWIW 117: Good Cholesterol may protect liver

This Week In Wellness new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that the so-called “good cholesterol”, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) has a previously unknown role in protecting the liver from injury.

TWIW 68: No benefit to reducing Saturated fat says Cardiology Journal

This Week In Wellness a review in the Journal of The American College of Cardiology has stated that not only were there no beneficial effects of reducing saturated fat intake on cardiovascular disease or total mortality, there were in fact protective effects against stroke if the saturated fat intake was retained. Would you like… Continue reading TWIW 68: No benefit to reducing Saturated fat says Cardiology Journal

TWIW 2: Eggs Associated with Heart Disease and Death

This Week In Wellness eggs have been once again associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. A study released this week by the Journal of The American Medical Association combining the findings from 6 prospective cohort studies and almost 30,000 people from diverse backgrounds stated that each additional half egg consumed per day… Continue reading TWIW 2: Eggs Associated with Heart Disease and Death

TWG 58: The Great Cholesterol Deception with Dr. Peter Dingle

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dr Peter Dingle from We talk to Dr Peter about his recent book The Great Cholesterol Deception. Dr Peter shares with us the truth about cholesterol and it’s vital role in the human body. He tells us the real statistics around the benefits of cholesterol lowering medications as well as… Continue reading TWG 58: The Great Cholesterol Deception with Dr. Peter Dingle

TWG 43: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 2

The Wellness Guys share part 2 of our amazing interview with Cyndi O’Meara. If you have already listened to part 1 then we know you have been eagerly awaiting the release of this episode and if you haven’t heard it do yourself a favour and get to it! In part 2 of this amazing interview… Continue reading TWG 43: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 2

TWG 42: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 1

The Wellness Guys interview Cyndi O’Meara (Part 1). In a first for The Wellness Guys this interview was just so good that it had to be stretched out over two episodes. Cyndi gets on a roll discussing everything from food labels to cholesterol to how to change your habits and even the hunter gatherer diet.… Continue reading TWG 42: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 1