TWIW 163: Wild Bison released to tackle climate change in UK

This Week In Wellness as the UK experiences some of its hottest weather on record, two leading conservation charities are releasing bison back into the wild for the first time in thousands of years in a bit to help tackle the climate crisis.

TWIW 162: Is big pharma buying drug regulators?

This Week In Wellness a report by investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi has drawn into question the independence and trustworthiness of medical regulators all over the world as their finding sources are revealed. The investigation published by The BMJ looked at six leading regulators, in Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, the UK, and US and showed that… Continue reading TWIW 162: Is big pharma buying drug regulators?

TWIW 161: Less than seven percent of adults have good cardiometabolic health

This Week In Wellness a study of adult Americans has shown that less than seven percent of them have good metabolic health with the researchers describing the results as “a devastating health crisis requiring urgent action”

TWIW 160: Poor posture linked to cognitive decline

This Week In Wellness a study published in Nature that looked at over 400 elderly Japanese men and women, has suggested that spinal posture assessments may be a useful tool for detecting cognitive decline in older populations.

TWIW 159: Plans to trial Glyphosate resistant GMO wheat in Australia

This Week In Wellness as the FDA announces that genetically modified, herbicide tolerant, HB4 wheat is safe to eat the US wheat industry spokesperson revealed that they plan to seek approval to plant HB4 wheat in Australia within the next year.

TWIW 158: Low Vitamin D linked to dementia

This Week In Wellness following on from last week’s research showing a link between socialising and dementia now a University of South Australia study has shown a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and dementia.

TWIW 157: Social isolation linked to dementia

And this week I have a favour to ask. If you like this show and would like more people to be exposed to this kind of wellness research I would LOVE it if you could hit pause now and head to iTunes to leave me a 5 star review. Now onto the news… And This… Continue reading TWIW 157: Social isolation linked to dementia

TWIW 156: Healthy Fats reduce heart risk

This Week In Wellness a systematic review and meta-analysis of 38 randomised control trials controlled trials of omega-3 fatty acids has shown that the fatty acid improves cardiovascular outcomes. The study, published in eClinical Medicine showed a greater reduction in cardiovascular risk when supplementing with EPA alone rather than combined EPA and DHA supplements.… Continue reading TWIW 156: Healthy Fats reduce heart risk

TWIW 155: “Tech neck” on the rise in Australia

This Week In Wellness the Australian Chiropractors Association is reporting that Australians are now spending 5.5 hours a day on their phones, with the additional 60% of neck flexion caused placing an extra 27kg of weight through the spine and leading to increased risk for physical and mental health challenges.

TWIW 154: Backroom deals create “draconian” Covid “dictatorship”

This Week In Wellness new South Australian laws enshrining emergency Covid powers into legislation have been described by the liberal opposition as “dark age dictatorship” amid growing concerns that the laws overreach in terms of the powers they provide and lack suitable safeguards.